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Free Backgrounds

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Home > 07 Backgrounds

  • AmboGraphics   
    Overall Rating:5
    This site is jam-packed with some of the coolest tiling backgrounds I have seen in a long time! Some look like gorgeous batiks, others like funky lace, stars, suns, stucco, whirls and sworls... and the Tribal Tapestries are just stunning. Oh, and there are also some super left borders. ;)
  • Bradley W. Schenck   
    Overall Rating:4
    Only a few, but these are lovely, subtle backgrounds based on celtic knotwork.
  • Draeconin's Background Designs   
    Overall Rating:4
    This is a real mixed batch -- some cool textures that look like rich fabric, some simple sqirls and smudges... and some pieces that are only marginally tileable. Be prepared to dig through a mass of tiles to find the gems, though. This site is not divided into categories and you never know what you're going to find until the images are displayed on your screen. Also includes side and top borders.
  • EOS Development   
    Overall Rating:5
    Top-notch and tileable, these backgrounds are a pleasure to view. Very nice work in patterns and marblesque.
  • Robin's Graphics   
    Overall Rating:4
    Tons of tileables (everything from leatherlike to pastels to brights) and a left border background for each astrological sign.
  • Wonder Backgrounds   
    Overall Rating:5
    Truly beautiful tiled backgrounds for Myspace pages or anywhere a tileable background can be used. Very nice contemporary looks (no 1996 web graphics here). Lots of choices, excellent execution.
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PLEASE NOTE: Yes, these sites all have free graphics (you pay no money), but some do have usage restrictions such as requiring a link back to their site and different restrictions for personal vs. commercial use. Be sure to read the usage requirements at each site as they vary greatly.

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